Wednesday, October 19, 2005

A man behind the bars

Millions of Iraqis sat in front of the TV to watch Saddam's trial, the man who is responsible for the death of more than one million (some say two million) human being.

Happiness all over the country, since the only protesters to the trial where in Tikrit (Saddam's hometown) and it is something very normal due to the tribal values we have in Iraq.

He killed too many people without a trial but he will have a fair trial (we hope so) because this is the new Iraq and this is the way we want our country to be.

No more dictatorship, just a man behind the bars fighting for his life while most of the Iraqis are waiting for his death (death penalty by court)

The Iraqis want to forget Saddam's decades and want to forget him too, it’s a step the Iraqis have to take, and we want to leap into the future without the sorrows of the past.

Too many Iraqis complain about the current situation but if you ask them the magical question: "do you think it's better to have Saddam back?" they will answer:" hell, no!" (most of the people I know answered no in a conversation like that)

I really would like to say something to Saddam and I wish he can hear me ….."Your days are gone and we are very happy without you, in your days we were ashamed of saying we are Iraqis, but now we are proud to say so"


At 10:42 PM, Blogger Lynnette In Minnesota said...

"...we are Iraqis, but now we are proud to say so""

Rightly so, Sooni!

At 6:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh yes!

At 4:33 AM, Blogger dcat said...


You should never be ashamed for who you are!

Remember first you are human then you are Iraqi, Polish,Jewish... :)

Very nice to see you posting again and thank you!

At 9:41 PM, Blogger D.C. said...

"Too many Iraqis complain about the current situation but if you ask them the magical question: "do you think it's better to have Saddam back?" they will answer:" hell, no!" (most of the people I know answered no in a conversation like that)" Sooni.

This says it all.

Dcat, you are right Sooni's post are just great!
I predict big success for him in the blogsphere!
lets take bets! ;-)

At 11:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

….."Your days are gone and we are very happy without you, in your days we were ashamed of saying we are Iraqis, but now we are proud to say so"


That put a shiver down my spine.
I can only imagine the hatred there for Saddam, but I must commend you for this.

"No more dictatorship, just a man behind the bars fighting for his life while most of the Iraqis are waiting for his death (death penalty by court)"

It would be easy to wish this man being killed by an angry mob, but letting the courts decide is truly a major step forward.

There are those that would disagree that Saddam should be killed, but I am not one of them.

The very best to you.

At 8:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I strongly agree with what you said
about Saddam. I wish we could get rid of him so the whole world can
have peace.


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